Come to Yourself

Come to Yourself Daily: Lesson 114 (Review Lessons 97-98) - A Course in Miracles

Gretchen O'Neal Season 2022 Episode 114

Come to Yourself Daily is excited to guide you through A Course in Miracles, the groundbreaking text that launched the New Age thought movement. 

If you would like to follow along with the text, you can find a FREE online version from the publisher here:  Or you can purchase a hard copy from online retailers (just make sure you are getting the original BLUE cover versions published by the Foundation for Inner Peace). 

This podcast is not a reading of the text. Gretchen will guide you through the lessons by providing context, examples, exercises, and insights into how you can make the most of these lessons and transform your life into one that is grounded in love, peace, and happiness.

No more resolutions…it’s time to focus on your evolution. Changing WHY you live changes HOW you live.

A Course In Miracles (First Edition – Three Volume Set) is the edition Gretchen is using as the reference material for this podcast.

Gretchen O'Neal is a spiritual accountability and empowerment coach. She holds a Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology with a focus in Applied Spirituality and owns and operates Come To Yourself provides unbiased, easily accessible information from the top scholars in the fields of transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies, coupled with personal insights from successful artists, musicians, and business professionals to anyone looking to start their spiritual journey to discover and serve their soul's mission in life 

Music: "What One Has Done Before, One Now Does For You Once More" from States: Vol. 1, written and performed by Robin Lynn.  All rights reserved and used with permission.

Gretchen ONeal:

Hi, everyone, welcome back to A Course in Miracles. Today we start a 10 day review of the last 20 lessons, you will see that we do this quite often in this course, this is not only just to review and refresh the concepts, but to use this review period to teach you how to apply them. So, like in school, we would call this period the practical application period. Whereas the other lessons, we're just learning the theory. So during the review of part three, we're going to spend two extended sessions each day, you can do one in the morning and one in the evening. And in the sessions, you're going to review the first of the two concepts in the morning. And the second of the two concepts in the evening, you're gonna review this in the typical format that we use of a mindful meditation, you can either choose to repeat the concept to yourself, and just let your mind go and see what messages you receive. Or you can use the pre recorded podcasts which I will put at the end of each review lesson for the day, so that you don't have to go back and download them or find them, they will be part of this podcast. And you can use that as your morning in your evening review. Throughout the day, however, I would like you to take the two concepts that are being reviewed for the day. And if you need to write them down quickly, so that you have them at the ready throughout the day, I highly recommend doing that. But during the day, back to our every hour on the hour, I want you to look at the two concepts I want you to say them to yourself. That's all that's required. This isn't about doing an individual meditation each hour, I just want you to repeat the concept. Reason being, we are trying to train the mind to operate from soul. And from spirit versus from the self. Your conscious waking mind has spent all of your life focused on operating from the self from those false perceptions from living in that untrue reality. We now want to train the conscious mind your waking mind, to operate from soul to get its cues from love and from spirit. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to remind yourself every hour of these concepts that puts them in the forefront of your mind. That makes them a focal point of your waking consciousness all throughout the day. So this is also a training ground here. So please don't ignore this part of the review. Please take the time each day. To do this repetition every hour. The easiest way to do it is to write the two concepts down, put them on your phone, you can set an alarm on your phone every hour to look at that note, or you can remind yourself to look at it you can post it on your computer screen where you're going to see it all day. I just want you to make an active effort to put this in your waking mind for the rest of the review period. So for the next 10 days, this is the goal. A morning meditation and an evening meditation focused on one of the concepts that you were viewing for the day. And then during the middle of your day, every hour, I want you to simply repeat the concepts, put them in the forefront of your consciousness and let them live there for the remainder of your day to day. Enjoy this review period, really work on actively living from your soul for the next 10 days. Take note of the changes that you experience. And definitely take note of your overall mental state. Are you happier? Are you more at peace? Are you calmer? Be mindful of those changes as well. Have a wonderful review period. And again, the podcasts for today's to review lessons will follow. Have a great day. Hello and welcome to lesson 97 And of course in miracles. Today's lesson is I am spirit. I am spirit today is all about making that announcement. And embracing the fact that we are spirit. analogy I like to use is, is if we look at spirit as an ocean, then we, as the souls are the waves of that ocean. So each soul can have unlimited amount of differences just like the waves, different heights, different speeds, different strengths. Some can be calm and peaceful. Some can be title. But no matter what each wave is part of the ocean. Each wave is just an extension of the ocean, right reaching out, but always coming back. And it always comes back to the ocean to gain strength to then reach back out again. That's what we are. We are the extension of spirit. We are spirit. There's really nothing else I can say. Except it's time to just accept it. Accept that you are spirit. There is no separation, there is no disconnection. There is no doubt. operate your life and live your life knowing that you are forever a part of spirit. You are simply the wave. But you are always spirit. You can be unique, you can be different. You can have your own experiences as you come to shore, you can crash on the rocks, or you can embrace life that you encounter on your journey and bring it back to spirit. Your choice. But the one thing that is known that is just a universal truth is that you are spirit. Whether you want to say your manifestation and extension, a part or am, I am spirit. So today's exercise is every hour on the hour, to remind yourself that you are spirit. You could say it simply as that you can turn it into more of a mantra. And you can say I am spirit, I am limitless. I am free to love and free to forgive and free to be the light in the world. However you need to say it to reinforce it to yourself. That's the practice for today. You are spirit. And so it is hi it's Gretchen Welcome to lesson 98 in A Course in Miracles. Today's lesson is I will accept my part in spirits plan for salvation. I will accept my part in spirits plan for salvation. Today's lesson is about freewill and choice. We discussed that spirit has a plant spirits plan is just for every one in everything. To live in love, express love, give and receive love. Be happy and love. Demonstrate to everyone else that you are the light in the world so that they can now live their life in love and peace. Understand that we're all connected. And just be happy. Live in joy. There is no fear. There is no pain. That is a false reality. Everything that we've learned at this point, all of that is Spirit. All of that is spirits plan if you want to refer to it as a plan. The one thing that we have to decide as souls in this lifetime is whether we want to acknowledge and accept our part in that plan, or whether we want to live separate from spirit. It's all our choice. And I want to be clear here. When I refer to being separate from spirit, I am not in any way bringing up some kind of fall of humanity. You know, now you're doomed and your soul is damned. There is none of that into spirituality spirit is not vengeful spirit does not judge. Spirit doesn't hold grudges spirit doesn't condemn or damn anyone for anything. You will always be connected to spirit that's the universal truth. Spirit will always be either in love for you, and will always be the source of love for you. You can go there and connect any time because you've always been connected. It's just your choice whether or not you want to whether or not you want to open that pathway. If you want to open up that gateway in your mind, to a you receiving and hearing messages from spirit all the time in your life, or whether you choose to close that pathway in lieu from your public persona and your ego. There's no judgment on either choice, chores make it. But in today's lesson, you are required to make it will you accept your part, in spirits plan for salvation will you accept that you are a part of Spirit, you are connected to Spirit, you are spirit. And it is spirits plan for you to be a light in this world for others, to also find their way back to spirit that you are to live as an example of what living your life in love. And forgiveness can be for someone else. That you can extend love and forgiveness to others, that you will choose to operate from that in your daily life and not from fear and anxiety. Will you make that choice? Will you accept your part? This is very much a crossroads lesson. If you are not willing to accept that everything that we have discussed in the prior 97 lessons is truth. Then I've got to be brutally honest, I don't believe you should continue with the rest of this course. Simply because it's not going to provide you with any answers that you can accept. You can listen to it for informational purposes, obviously to know that there's beliefs exist and that others follow these beliefs. But will it change your life from this point forward? Will you learn to live from a place of forgiveness, not until you make this choice not until you accept these truths. Simply because energy is about intention. You have to set the intention you have to put the energy out there. You have to make it known laws of attraction laws of manifestation. You get what you give. So if you're not willing to put out there that you are spirit, that you accept your part, as spirit and as a light in this world, for others to find their way to love and away from fear, then this course is going to fall flat for you. And as I said it may not sound like the right thing to say it's not. I'm not being you know, Pom Pom cheerleader here. I'm being honest and I'm being real. This is an important step. As far as completing this course goes you have to do this. This is your you're on the hot seat this is make the choice. It's 100% Your choice to make you are not being judged whatever choice you do make, not by me not by spirit, not by anybody. It's your life. That's what freewill is all about. That's what love is about. But now's the time to announce what that is that you're going to do. So today, I want you to contemplate your choice every hour. If you're willing to accept your part in the plan, then just make that affirmation every hour. If you're not in you don't feel comfortable saying that to yourself and making that commitment for yourself. Then you know that your answer and as I said if you would like to continue listening to the course for informational purposes and and to just experience this belief system that's fantastic. But understand it is not going to release you from fear until you adopt the understanding that you and spirit are one and that you have to choose to live from love every single day. From this point forward, so today, every hour on the hour, make your choice. Stated proudly stated as your personal truth. Live in it, believe in it. Put the energy out there that this is who you are and what you want your life to be. Have a blessed day today. Join us for the session tomorrow.