Come to Yourself

Come to Yourself Daily: Lesson 105 - A Course in Miracles

Gretchen O'Neal Season 2022 Episode 105

Come to Yourself Daily is excited to guide you through A Course in Miracles, the groundbreaking text that launched the New Age thought movement. 

If you would like to follow along with the text, you can find a FREE online version from the publisher here:  Or you can purchase a hard copy from online retailers (just make sure you are getting the original BLUE cover versions published by the Foundation for Inner Peace). 

This podcast is not a reading of the text. Gretchen will guide you through the lessons by providing context, examples, exercises, and insights into how you can make the most of these lessons and transform your life into one that is grounded in love, peace, and happiness.

No more resolutions…it’s time to focus on your evolution. Changing WHY you live changes HOW you live.

A Course In Miracles (First Edition – Three Volume Set) is the edition Gretchen is using as the reference material for this podcast.

Gretchen O'Neal is a spiritual accountability and empowerment coach. She holds a Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology with a focus in Applied Spirituality and owns and operates Come To Yourself provides unbiased, easily accessible information from the top scholars in the fields of transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies, coupled with personal insights from successful artists, musicians, and business professionals to anyone looking to start their spiritual journey to discover and serve their soul's mission in life 

Music: "What One Has Done Before, One Now Does For You Once More" from States: Vol. 1, written and performed by Robin Lynn.  All rights reserved and used with permission.

Gretchen ONeal:

Welcome back to A Course in Miracles. Today is lesson 105. And the concept is spirits peace and joy, our mind, spirits, peace and joy, our mind. Now in the last lesson, we discussed the fact that spirits peace and joy have always been yours. You just had to recognize that and accept it. Today's lesson seems similar, but it's a little different, because we're going to take the concept and demonstrate how it can change aspects of your life. So if you adopt spirits, peace and joy or mine, I live with peace and joy, and love and happiness. The next thing I want you to think about is, before you were willing to accept that before you understood that is a truth. How many people in your life did you regard as an enemy, or as someone you needed to fear, or as someone who wanted to hurt you or attack you? Or that you needed to just generally be wary of how many people in your life have you labeled that way? Because you lived your life from fear. I'm sure as you think about it, some distinct names and faces are coming to mind. Now, if you say spirits, peace and joy, your mind spirits, love is mine. And therefore spirits forgiveness is mine. Those same people who you have kept at a distance or maybe even excluded from your life, or souls that you have broken a connection with. Those are souls that you have lost an opportunity of knowing, and connecting to, and loving in your life. As we've learned from this course, when you shine the light, you give others the opportunity to do the same. When you approach people from forgiveness and love, you let them know they have nothing to fear from you. And therefore they may drop their attack posture, and their fear of you. And you may open doors to connecting with them. You may open doors to getting to know them. And your souls can love each other. My father used to always say, I love everyone. I don't like everyone. But I love everyone. That's what I want you to think about. You don't have to like every personality. You don't have to like every soul that you interact with. This isn't about preference. But if you operate from Spirit, you will find that you love everything that is part of spirit. Whether it is a person, a tree, a bee, a bird, you will love it, you will find the beauty in it, you will find a connection with it. You will vibe with some part of its energy. You don't have to like everybody, you don't have to like everybody you interact with. But we love everyone. And we show them that love through forgiveness, and attempts and understanding and recognizing them for who they are as they are. And loving them for being able to be their authentic self. And we learn from them. You learn from every buddy you interact with good or bad. You learn from everything. So in my opinion, there is no bad because I'm always gaining from every interaction from a person. I'm always gaining something from it. So if you say spirit, peace, enjoy our mind. Then every soul on this earth is yours. In the sense that we're all connected through that love through spirit. We are all the waves of that ocean. And I really want you to think about how many opportunities you've lost, interacting with people because you chose to live your life from fear And now that you're choosing to live your life from love. How many of those people can you change your dynamic with? How many of those people can you find happiness with or understanding with? How many people can you let back into your life? That's what I want you to focus on today. That's the exercise period for today. It's just thinking about everybody who you've lost connection with, because you lived your life from fear, and then trying to see if you are capable today of living from love, and finding a way to forgive and understand those people. Maybe the thing that separated you, now that you look at it from a standpoint of love and forgiveness, isn't that big of a deal? This is a growth lesson today. But more importantly, it is really about understanding what a miracle is. It's about understanding what a perception shift is, and how monumental it can be in your life. By shifting your perception from fear to love. Everybody who has exited your life may now reenter. That kind of love and understanding is what brings you that piece. This is the work that comes from doing this course that ends up enriching your life. So please spend some time on this lesson today. Take care of yourselves. And join us for the next lesson.