Come to Yourself

Come to Yourself Daily: Lesson 102 - A Course in Miracles

Gretchen O'Neal Season 2022 Episode 102

Come to Yourself Daily is excited to guide you through A Course in Miracles, the groundbreaking text that launched the New Age thought movement. 

If you would like to follow along with the text, you can find a FREE online version from the publisher here:  Or you can purchase a hard copy from online retailers (just make sure you are getting the original BLUE cover versions published by the Foundation for Inner Peace). 

This podcast is not a reading of the text. Gretchen will guide you through the lessons by providing context, examples, exercises, and insights into how you can make the most of these lessons and transform your life into one that is grounded in love, peace, and happiness.

No more resolutions…it’s time to focus on your evolution. Changing WHY you live changes HOW you live.

A Course In Miracles (First Edition – Three Volume Set) is the edition Gretchen is using as the reference material for this podcast.

Gretchen O'Neal is a spiritual accountability and empowerment coach. She holds a Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology with a focus in Applied Spirituality and owns and operates Come To Yourself provides unbiased, easily accessible information from the top scholars in the fields of transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies, coupled with personal insights from successful artists, musicians, and business professionals to anyone looking to start their spiritual journey to discover and serve their soul's mission in life 

Music: "What One Has Done Before, One Now Does For You Once More" from States: Vol. 1, written and performed by Robin Lynn.  All rights reserved and used with permission.

Gretchen ONeal:

Hi, it's Gretchen. And this is lesson 102. In A Course in Miracles, Today's concept is I share spirits will for happiness for me. I share spirits will for happiness for me. Today's lesson, and the next couple lessons after this, we're really going to focus in on happiness and how we need to embrace it, and accept it and achieve it. That's the whole point of this course. Right? Happiness is one of the main goals for a lot of you that decided to embark on this journey with me. You wanted to release yourself from pain, and fear, and anxiety, and really find your happiness. Find why you live right versus how you live. In today's exercise, we're going to embrace and announce and put that affirmation out there that we share. spirits will for happiness for us, we accept that we accept that our sole function is to be happy. That spirit had no way has ever wanted us to feel pain, to feel shame, or guilt, or fear or anxiety. That was never our purpose in this life. It was never spirits intention for us. It was only because we at some point felt we were separate from spirit, that those thoughts began to enter into our consciousness. That is not the purpose. That is not our function. That is not how spirit wants us to feel. Spirit is 100% love. And that is all we should be experiencing love, joy, happiness, but we have to choose it. And today is that choice. Today we are saying that we acknowledge that that is spiritual for us, and we embrace it fully. So every hour on the hour, I want you to say I share spirits will for happiness. And I accept it as my function. I share spirits will for happiness, and I accept it as my function. Remind yourself of that every hour today. Remind yourself to be happy when you start to have feelings that are negative or fearful or anxious. Just stop and say I'm not meant to feel that I am only meant to feel happiness, let it go. It really is that easy to let it go. If you choose not to live in fear, you will not live in fear. If you choose not to focus on sadness, you will not be sad. Your choice. This is what spiritual accountability is all about your choice, you are choosing to feel pain. And that's hard for some people to hear. Because we're so used to feeling that everything happens to us that there are outside causes, and all we do is experience the effects. That is not the truth. We are the cause. So you have the power to change the cause. You can say, I'm going to be happy. I can't tell you how often I will say screw it. I'm just gonna be happy. I know this is happening. I know this person wants me to feel this way. I know this is what's going on in my life right now. But screw it, I'm going to be happy. I make that choice. I choose not to go down that road. I choose not to feel those emotions at that time, because they don't serve me. And if I choose instead to be happy, nine times out of 10 I immediately see the positive in that situation. I find the opportunity in that chaos right away. Choose to be happy to announce your happiness every hour today. accepted as your function and begin to live your life in that joy. Have a great day to day and join us tomorrow.